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Nearest Railway Station to Kedarnath

Nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Rishikesh railway station

If you are fond of traveling, and you are a religious person, then you must know about Kedarnath. Which is situated in Rudraprayag district under our Uttarakhand state of India. Kedarnath has a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, which is situated in the lap of the Himalayas. So if you are thinking of traveling here, and you want to know which is the nearest railway station, so that you can reach here by train.

So let us tell you that the best nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Rishikesh railway station, from where the distance of Kedarnath is 229 kms, including 18 kms on foot. Which you have to decide from Gaurikund. So if you are coming by train, then you can come at Rishikesh Railway Station. You will also find trains to this place from almost all the major cities.

Distance between Rishikesh Railway Station and Kedar nath Dham Temple

Distance between Rishikesh railway station and Kedar nath Dham Temple is 229 Kilomiter 

How to reach Kedar Dham from Rishikesh ?

Rishikesh railway station you can easily reach from your city, but when it comes to reaching Kedarnath Dham from Rishikesh, then let us tell you that in this too you will not have to face any kind of difficulties. There will be no problem. If you want to travel by road, you can easily find buses from Rishikesh to Gaurikund. If you do not want to go by bus, then you can also book a taxi or cab to reach Gauri Kund, as the 18 kilometer trek to Kedarnath begins from Gauri Kund itself. Not only this, if you want, you can also go to Kedarnath from Rishikesh with the help of helicopter, for this you will have to take the help of Dehradun helipad, for this you will have to book in advance. If we talk about the time taken to reach Kedarnath, let us tell you that it will take you about 5 to 6 hours to complete the journey, because you have to travel on foot.

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