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Hello friends, if you are planning to go Delhi To Vidisha then you should know that what is the distance from Delhi to Vidisha? Also, what is the correct route to go from Delhi to Vidisha?

For your information, let us tell you that the total distance from Delhi to Vidisha is about 760 kilometers. Which you can decide by bus, train and aeroplane.

Which is the nearest railway station to Delhi and Vidisha?

Please tell that the nearest railway station to Delhi is Delhi Junction. While the nearest railway station to Vidisha is Vidisha Railway Station.

How to go from Delhi to Vidisha by bus?

You can go from Delhi to Vidisha by bus via Delhi to Agra, Agra to Gwalior and Gwalior to Vidisha. You will not get a direct bus from New Delhi to Vidisha.

By the way, the distance between Delhi to Vidisha is about 750 kilometer. Which you can decide in about 14 hours.

How can you go from Delhi to Vidisha by train?

You can also go easily from Delhi to Vidisha by train. For this, you will get a direct train from Delhi Junction to Vidisha.

Which will start from Delhi Junction and reach Vidisha via Agra, Gwalior, Jhansi. Delhi to Vidisha will take you around 12 hours by train.

How to travel from Delhi to Vidisha by flight?

Traveling by air will take you the shortest possible time to get from Delhi to Vidisha. Now you can reach Vidisha from Delhi in just 1 hour.

For this, you have to take a flight from New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport to Bhopal Airport. Then from Bhopal airport you have to go by Vidisha bus or any other means.

What is the distance between Delhi to Vidisha?

The distance between Delhi To Vidisha is approximately 760 kms.

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