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Do you want to go to Shukratal Darshan from Govardhan, and do not know how you can go to Shukratal from Govardhan. Which is located in Muzaffarnagar. So in this article we are going to give you some information about going to Shukratal from Govardhan. So if you have any problem to go to Shukratal and if you want to know how to reach Shukratal from Govardhan, then this article will definitely benefit you, then let’s go ahead.

Govardhan to Shukratal Distance?

First of all we talk about the distance between Govardhan and Shukratal. Govardhan is a pilgrimage site situated under the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh state of India. Govardhan is the place of Lord Krishna’s pastimes, and Shukratal is located under Muzaffarnagar, about 150 km from Delhi. This is a scenic spot situated on the banks of the Ganges. The Govardhan to Shukratal Distance is 273 kms.

So if you have to reach Shukratal from Govardhan. So first you have to go to Muzaffarnagar. Which is about 257 kilometers away from Govardhan. You can go to Muzaffarnagar from Govardhan by both train and bus means. After that you can reach Muzaffarnagar and go to Shukrtal by auto or rickshaw. Which is about 28 kilometers away from Muzaffarnagar.

How to get from Govardhan to Shukratal by bus

If you go to Muzaffarnagar by bus. So you get to see the bus for Muzaffarnagar in Mathura. Which is about 21 kilometers away from Govardhan. Buses are available from Mathura to Muzaffarnagar. Which goes to Muzaffarnagar at different timings. Below you have been given a list. By reading which you can know about the timings of the buses.

You can easily reach Muzaffarnagar through all these buses. After that you can go to Shukrtal by booking a cab from Muzaffarnagar. Which takes you about half an hour. You can also book tickets for all these buses online from the red bus website.

How to go from Govardhan to Shukratal by train?

So if you do not prefer to do your journey in bus. So you can also make your journey by train. For which you will get to see the train from Mathura to Muzaffarnagar. Take a train to Muzaffarnagar in very less time as compared to a bus. Below you have been given a list in which you have been told about the schedule of the trains.

Through these trains, you can reach Muzaffarnagar from Mathura in a very short time, and from there book an auto or taxi to Shukratal. So now you can go to Shukratal by any means of bus or train as per your convenience, and visit Shukratal.

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