What is the distance between Roorkee to Shukratal?
If you want to go from Roorkee to Shukratal, then you should know about the means of going from Roorkee to Sukartal. Also, you should know the distance between Roorkee to Sukartal.
Let us tell you that the distance between Roorkee to Shukratal is 50 kms. Which you can easily travel by bus or train.
Which is the nearest railway station to Roorkee and Shukratal ?
For your information, let us tell you that Roorkee falls in Uttarakhand. While Shukratal falls in Uttar Pradesh.
Please tell that the nearest railway station to Roorkee is Roorkee Railway Station. While the nearest railway station to Shukratal is Muzaffarnagar Railway Station.
How to go from Roorkee to Shukratal by bus?
Roorkee To Shukratal You Can Go Easily By Bus. For this you will get a bus from Roorkee Bus Stand. Which will take you easily to Shukrataal.
The distance from Roorkee to Sukartal by bus will be around 50 Kilometers. Which you can travel in 1 hour 19 minutes.
How to travel from Roorkee to Sukartal by train?
If you want, you can also use the train to go from Roorkee to Shukratal. For this, you have to take Roorkee Railway Station train and go to Muzaffarnagar Railway Station.
After that from Muzaffarnagar you will get a bus to go to Sukartal.
How can you travel by air from Roorkee to Shukratal?
There is no air travel to Roorkee To Shukratal. Because the distance between Roorkee to Sukartal is not much. So you can easily travel by bus or train.
What is the distance between Roorkee to Shukratal?
The total distance from Roorkee To Shukratal is around 50 kms by road.