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Distance from Patliputra to Patna Junction is 12 km

So friends, if you want to go from Patliputra to Patna and want to get down at Patna Junction, then first of all you should know the distance between these two places. If you do not know the distance between these two places, then today you have come to the right place, because in today’s article we are going to tell you about the distance between Patliputra and Patna Junction and the time taken to travel between these two places.So let’s go ahead and know.

Patliputra to Patna Junction Distance

First of all, let us know about Pataliputra, you must know about Patna, the capital of Bihar, which is situated on the south bank of river Ganga. So let us tell you that about 2000 years ago, Patna was known as Pataliputra. That is, in today’s time Patna is Patliputra, and talk about Patna Junction, so as you can know from its name itself that it is located in Patna itself and it is the capital of Bihar state i.e. Patna’s most important railway. station, and it comes at number seven in India’s busiest railway station. If we talk about the distance from Patliputra to Patna Junction, then it is 12 km, which will take you only 10 to 15 minutes to complete this jurnery.

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