How to reach Mehandipur Balaji Temple?
In today’s article, we are going to give you information about where is Mehandipur Balaji and how to reach there. If you are thinking of going to Mehandipur Balaji, then you should know that where is Mehandipur Balaji. If you do not know where is Mehandipur Balaji and how to reach there, no problem, we will tell you.
Where is Mehandipur Balaji Temple | Dausa district of Rajasthan, India |
Nearest Railway Station | Bandikui Railway Station |
Distance beetween Bandikui Railway Station and Mehandipur Balaji Temple | 40 KM |
Nearest Airport | Jaipur airport |
Where is Mehandipur Balaji Temple located?
We have seen that many people think of going to Mehandipur Balaji, but they do not know where this Mehandipur Balaji temple is. Let us tell you. So this temple of Mehandipur Balaji is situated in Dausa district of Rajasthan and this temple is of Lord Hanuman ji. People come from far and wide to visit this temple and some people also come here to fulfill their wishes. Many devotees also believe that this temple has magical powers, and this is the reason why all the devotees come from far and wide to visit this temple.
So now you have come to know that where is Mehandipur Balaji Temple, let us now tell you how you can easily reach this temple.
How to reach Mehandipur Balaji Temple?
As we have told you above that Mehandipur Balaji Temple is located in Dausa district of Rajasthan state. And if we talk about its village then it is situated in Mehandipur village which is 99 km away from Jaipur. You can reach here in three ways and we are telling you all those three ways below.
How to reach Mehandipur Balaji Temple by Train?
The first way to reach this temple is by train. Yes, you can easily reach here by train. The nearest railway station is Bandikui and it is also well connected to the other railway station. The distance of the temple from here is around 40 km. The second railway station near here is Dausa, this railway station is also well connected to other railway stations. Or you can come directly to Jaipur as Jaipur is well connected to all the major railway stations of the city. You can travel from the railway station to the temple by car or bus.
Nearest Railway Station to Mehandipur Balaji Temple
Bandikui Railway Station is the nearest railway station to mehndipur balaji temple. Bandikui Railway Station is well connected to other nation railway station of india.
Bandikui Railway Station to Mehandipur Balaji Temple Distance
40 KM is the disance between Bandikui Railway station and Mehandipur Balaji Temple
How to reach Mehandipur Balaji Temple by aeroplane?
Another way to reach this temple is by air. Yes, you can easily reach here by plane. Because the nearest airport to the temple is Jaipur airport which is well connected to Delhi and Agra airport. You can travel from Jaipur airport to the temple by car or bus.
How to reach Mehandipur Balaji Temple by car or bus?
Dausa is located at a distance of about 55 km from Jaipur and is easily accessible by road. If you want to reach via roadways, a great option is to go for Rajasthan state transport or private buses that run regularly to Dausa from Delhi, Agra and other nearby cities and districts.
Mehandipur Balaji Mandir is well connected to Jaipur, Agra and Delhi bus station. If you want, you can also reach here by your car. Many people also reach this temple by using car or bus.
So in this article, we have given you detailed information about where is Mehandipur Balaji Temple and how to reach there. We hope that you have liked this article of today. If you have liked this article of today, then you must share it with your friends and on social media sites.
What are the rules of Mehandipur Balaji Temple?
In today’s article, we are going to tell you about the terms and conditions of Mehandipur Balaji Temple. If you are going to visit this temple or thinking of visiting then you must know the rules of this temple so that later you do not make any mistake. Although the rules of this temple are not very strict, but still you must read these rules once. So let us tell you the rules of this temple below.
The very first rule of this temple is that it is prohibited to talk to anyone or touch any object or people here because it is believed that many people here have devil powers, and if you touch them you will be affected.
Also, once you leave the temple, you should not look back because who knows an evil spirit might be watching you and you might invite them. As soon as you step out of the temple premises, it is strictly advised to leave the village as soon as possible.
There is also a rule of this temple that you are not allowed to eat or drink anything inside the temple premises. Also, you should empty all food packets and water bottles as soon as you leave the village. But after visiting the temple, you can eat at some of the restaurants around the area.
So these are some rules of this temple, if you go to this temple then you must follow all these rules.
So in this article we have told you all the rules of Mehandipur Balaji Temple. We hope that you have liked this article of today. If you liked today’s article, then you must share it with your friends and on social media sites.