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Distance of Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Meerut

Are you from Meerut and you want to go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Saharanpur, and you don’t know how to go there. So don’t worry, in today’s article, we are going to give you some information to visit Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Meerut. As far as the distance between Meerut and Shakumbhari Devi, and by which means you can go there, how much time will it take, you will get answers to all these questions in this article.

Distance of Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Meerut

Both Meerut and Saharanpur are located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The temple of Shakumbhari Devi is situated in a place called Saharanpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a must visit place. If we talk about the distance between Meerut to Shakumbri Temple, then there is a distance of about 172 kilometers between the two. If you want to go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Meerut, then you have to go to Saharanpur from Meerut first. Which is 121 kilometers away from Meerut. From Saharanpur, you can take an auto or rickshaw to reach the Shakumbhari Devi temple.

Means to reach Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Meerut

If you want to go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple by your own means. So you can directly go to Shakumbari Devi Temple from Meerut. In which you will take 3 hours.

But if you want to go by train then you will get to see the train from Meerut to Saharanpur. In which it takes you only 2 to 2.5 hours to reach Saharanpur. After that you can take auto or taxi from Saharanpur to Shakumbhari temple. If you go by flight, then you will have to cover a distance of only 152 kms, which will take you just 40 minutes.

You get to see many buses from Meerut to Saharanpur, which reach Saharanpur via Khatauli and Muzaffarnagar. In which your time cost is 3 to 4 hours. So you can complete your journey by any means as per your convenience.

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