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Know the interesting history of Shukratal

In today’s article, we are going to give you information about what is the interesting history of Shukratal. There will be very few people who will know about Shukrtaal, and there will be some people who will not even know what Shukrtaal is. So first of all let us tell you what is Shukratal after all and after that you will tell the history of Shukratal to all the people. So let us now know what is Shukrtaal.

What is Shukratal?

Shukratal is a religious pilgrimage site located in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. As you all know that since ancient times people’s reverence and feeling towards religious pilgrimage sites is attached in our country. You will be surprised to know that it is also said that the story of this pilgrimage site is also related to Mahabharata. Many people visit this place as well as some stories of this pilgrimage site are also very famous. So now you know what is Shukrtaal. Let us now tell you the history of this pilgrimage site and at the same time will also tell some such things which you have hardly heard anywhere.

What is the history of Shukratal?

As we have told you above that Shukratal is a religious pilgrimage site which is in the city of Muzaffarnagar located in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The people of Hindu class in our country India also have a lot of faith in it. This pilgrimage site is 150 km away from Delhi which is our capital. All of you must have heard the name of river Ganga, then this river also passes through it and many devotees sanctify themselves by staying in this river Ganges.

There is also a tree in Shukratal which is very much discussed. The name of this tree is Akshavat, which has a huge expression and it is completely spread inside. If we talk about this holy tree, then it is quite ancient and old. This holy tree is worshiped by all the devotees. Not only this, Bhagwat Gita is also organized here for all the devotees who come here, as well as ancient Bhagwat stories are also heard here. Many ancient temples, dharamshalas, congregations have been established in Shukratal, due to which it is considered a religious place.

If we talk about the ancient times, then the river Ganges was very close to this place, but now it is not so because now the river Ganges has gone a little far from this religious place. If you go to this religious place and you want to visit any temple, then you have to climb many stairs. You cannot visit the temple and do worship without climbing the stairs.

What do the religious stories of Shukratal say?

There are also some religious stories of Shukratal which is very famous, let us tell you one such story which is of King Parikshit, the Pandava descendant of Hastinapur. So it is about 5000 years ago, there is an intact tree on the banks of the Ganges and under this tree about 88000 sages and Sukhdev Ji Maharaj himself narrated the story of Shrimad Bhagwat to King Parikshit so that he could get rid of his curse. It is said that there was a mistake by King Parikshit, due to which he was cursed by a sage’s son to die of a snake. To get rid of this curse, 88000 sages narrated the story of Shrimad Bhagwat and liberated King Parikshit.

The religious tree under which this story was told also has many characteristics and stories which are very interesting. Let us give you some information about this religious tree.

What is the story of the religious banyan tree?

Just as Shukratal is a religious pilgrimage site and this place is given great importance, similarly the Vat tree located here is also given great importance and all the devout devotees worship this Vat tree. There is also a very special thing about this tree, due to which this tree is always in discussion and that is that when the leaves of all the trees dry up and start falling on the ground, even then this tree remains green, this means that this tree remains green. The leaves of the tree never dry up. If you look at this tree, then it looks huge and huge to you, but still the tree does not produce its appearance and this is what everyone finds interesting.

Not only this but whenever you see this tree, it always looks like a new tree to you. If you go a little far from this tree, you will also see a well near this tree, and it is also said about this well that this well is located here since the Pandava period. The people who live here also say that if you ask for any of your wishes by tying a thread to this tree, then it definitely gets fulfilled.

Even after so much discussion of this place, there are many people who do not have any idea about this pilgrimage site. But now you have got the information about this place, and you must visit this place once.

conclusion –

So in this article, we have given you detailed information about what is Shukrtaal and what is its history. We hope that you liked today’s article. If you liked today’s article, then you must share it with your friends and on social media sites.