How to reach Karauli Sarkar by road?
Irrespective of the area you are coming from, if you want to go to Karauli Sarkar, you will have to come to Kanpur first. From Kanpur you will find many taxis and cabs for Karauli Sarkar. From which you can easily go to Karauli Sarkar. If we talk about the distance between Kanpur and Karauli Sarkar, then we have already told you that there is a distance of about 18 kilometers between the two. Which will take you about 40 to 50 minutes to complete.
Distance between Kanpur and Karauli Sarkar
The distance between Kanpur to Karauli Sarkar is 18 kilometers, you can decide this distance by bus or auto rickshaw.
How to reach Karauli Sarkar by train?
As we told you that Karauli Sarkar is situated in Kanpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. So if you go to Karauli Sarkar by train, you have to get down at Kanpur railway station first. After which you can go to Karauli Sarkar. For this, you have to first leave from the railway station of Kanpur to the 12-hour site. After which you have to go to Ramadevi Chauraha from there. Wherever you go, you will easily get to see rickshaws. After going to Ramadevi square, you will get to see auto or taxi from that square to go to Karauli Sarkar. With the help of which you can easily go to Karauli Sarkar. It is possible that a rickshaw driver or an auto driver will drop you at Bahahara Morh, from where Karauli Sarkar is only one and a half kilometers away. So in this way if you come to Kanpur by train. So Karauli Sarkar can go.
Nearest railway station of Karauli Sarkar
The nearest railway station to Karauli Sarkar is Kanpur Railway Station which is connected to all the railway routes of India.
How to reach Karauli Sarkar by aeroplane?
If you live far away from Kanpur, then traveling by air can be a good option for you. For this, you will first have to take a flight from your nearest airport to Kanpur airport. From where you will find Karauli government only 15 kilometers away. From there you will find autos or cabs from the airport to Karauli Sarkar. With the help of which you can easily go to Karauli Sarkar.