How to reach Kainchi Dham?
Before going to Kainchi Dham, you need to know that where is Kainchi Dham? For your information, let us tell you that Kainchi Dham is situated on Nainital Almora road. Which is about 17 kilometers away from Nainital. While situated about 9 kms away from Bhawali. Kainchi Dham is a big pilgrimage site. Because the ashram of Neem Karoli Baba Maharaj is present here. That’s why people keep coming here from abroad. Please not that on 15th June a big fair is organized here. In which lakhs of devotees come here. Kainchi Dham is named Kaichi because it has two sharp turns like scissors. Because of this it has been named Kaichi Dham. Let us now know how you can reach Kaichi Dham.
Nearest railway station to Kainchi Dham | Kathgodam Railway Station |
Distance of Kainchi Dham from Kathgodam Railway Station | about 43 kms |
Nainital to Kainchi Dham distance | 17 kilometers |
Nearest airport | Pantnagar Airport |
How to reach Kainchi Dham?
For your information, let us tell you that you can go to Kainchi Dham by different means of transport. Which includes air route, train route and road route. Kainchi Dham is well connected by means of transport from the country and abroad. Let us have a better look at the different means of reaching here.
How to reach Kaichi Dham by airoplane ?
You can also use the air route to reach Kainchi Dham. If you are located far away from Kainchi Dham. Then air way can be a good option for you. Even when you are abroad, air travel can be a good option for you. With which you can reach Kainchi Dham fast. To reach Kainchi Dham by air, you must first take a flight from your nearest airport to Pantnagar airport. For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Pantnagar airport to Kainchi Dham is about 80 kilometers.
But if you want to come to Kainchi Dham from abroad, you will have to take a flight to New Delhi International Airport first. After that you have to take air ticket from New Delhi International Airport to Pantnagar Airport. Because there is no direct flight from abroad to Pantnagar airport. But if you are in the country of India, then you can go directly to Pantnagar airport direct flight from your nearest airport. After reaching Pantnagar airport, you can take a bus or taxi from there to reach Kainchi Dham.
How to reach Kainchi Dham by train?
When you are in India, you can also use train to reach Kaichi Dham. The nearest railway station to Kainchi Dham is Kathgodam Railway Station. Which is about 43 kilometers away from Kainchi Dham. To come here, you have to take a ticket from your nearest railway station to Kathgodam railway station. After that you can get down at Kathgodam railway station and go to Kainchi Dham by bus or taxi.
Which is the nearest railway station to Kainchi Dham?
The nearest railway station to Kainchi Dham is Kathgodam Railway Station. From here you can avail bus, taxi facility for Kaichi Dham.
What is the distance of Kainchi Dham from Kathgodam Railway Station?
The distance of Kainchi Dham from Kathgodam railway station is about 43 kilometers, which you can cover by taking the facility of bus, taxi.
How to reach Kainchi Dham by road?
For your information, let us tell you that Kainchi Dham is about 17 kilometers away from Nainital. Also, the total distance from Bhawali to Kainchi Dham is about 9 kms. So if you want to come to Kainchi Dham by road then you can come easily. For this, you have to go on the Nainital Almora route by bus or car from your nearest place.
Bhawali to Kainchi Dham Distance
Bhawali to Kainchi Dham Distance is 9 kms
Nainital to Kainchi Dham Distance
The distance of Kainchi Dham from Nainital is 17 kms.