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Have you come to visit Gajraula, and from there you are looking for some sightseeing place. So the thought of Shukratal must have come in your mind. So do you want to go from Gajraula to Shukratal with the help of train, and don’t know how to reach gajraula. So in today’s article, we are going to give you complete information about the trains to reach Shukratal from Gajraula. After reading the article you will not face any problem in reaching Shukratal from Gajraula. So let’s start our today’s article.

How far is Shukratal from Gajraula?

There is a distance of about 104 kilometers between Gajraula and Shukratal. Both are located in Uttar Pradesh. Shukratal is located in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. If you wish to travel by train, you can find a train from Gajraula to Muzaffarnagar. After that you can go to Shukrtal from Muzaffarnagar by auto or taxi. Which is 28 kilometers away from Muzaffarnagar. So if you go from Gajraula to Muzaffarnagar, you will have to travel 140 kms. Given below is the list of trains that run from Gajraula to Muzaffarnagar. You can learn about trains by reading it.

Gajraula to Muzaffarnagar trains

You will get to see 4 trains from Gajraula to Muzaffarnagar. Which leaves Gajraula for Muzaffarnagar at different times. So let’s know about the timing of trains. You will get to see a train from Gajraula Junction at 1:30. Which will reach you at Muzaffarnagar at 05:00. It takes you about 3 to 3:30 hours, to reach Muzaffarnagar, you also get to see another train at 1:30, which reaches Muzaffarnagar at 8:00. You can see the rest of the train details on Google Map or on Google. You will get information about all these trains there. You will get to see another train at 4:53 in the morning. Which will reach you at Muzaffarnagar at 8:53. In this it takes you 4 hours to reach Muzaffarnagar.

As soon as you reach Muzaffarnagar by train, you will find autos or taxis to Shukratal at Muzaffarnagar Railway Station itself. You can easily go to Shukratal in it. It takes about half an hour to reach where you want. So in this way you can reach Shukratal.

Muzaffarnagar to Gajraula trains

If you want to come back from Muzaffarnagar also by train. So you will also get to see train from Muzaffarnagar railway station to Gajraula. You will get to see a train at 6:40 PM. Which will reach you at gajraula at 9:40 pm. It will take you 3 hours to reach Gajraula. And the rest of the details can also be checked on Google. You will easily get train information.

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