How to visit Pandokhar Sarkar
Pandokhar Sarkar is located in Pandokhar village under Datia district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. This is a place where you can find solution to any of your problems, and if you have faith in God, then you must visit this place once.
It is said that whoever brings his problems to this place, all his problems get solved by the grace of Hanuman ji. Even if that problem is of ghosts or spirits. Here you get the solution of all the problems.
Pushpavati river flows near Pandokhar Sarkar. Whoever goes there with his problem, that person first takes bath in that river. Hanuman ji is anointed with that water. After that, after reciting Hanuman Chalisa, people tell their problems to Guru Sharan Sharma Ji Maharaj Ji, the priest of Pandokhar Sarkar. So that their problem is solved by Sharan Sharma Ji Maharaj. It is said that just by writing down your problems on a slip, all your problems get solved. So today in which article we are going to tell you how you can go to Pandokhar Sarkar.
Pandokhar Sarkar | Located in Pandokhar village under Datia district in the state of Madhya Pradesh. |
Distance of Pandokhar Dham from Datia | is about 53 kms |
Jhansi to Pandokhar Dham distance | about 95 kms |
Nearest railway station to Pandokhar Sarkar | Gwalior, Jhansi Railway Station |
How to reach Pandokhar Sarkar by Bus?
Whether you go to Pandokhar Sarkar by any means, but keep in mind that you must have two to four days time. Because there is a lot of crowd here, it may take time to get your number.
If you want to go to Pandokhar Sarkar by bus, then you will find many buses going to Pandokhar Sarkar from places like Datia and Jhansi. If you want to travel from Datia to Pandokhar by govt bus, then you will have to travel about 50 to 53 kms in this. Which will take you about 1 hour. It depends on your stop from where you want to take bus to Pandokhar Sarkar.
Datia to Pandokhar Dham Distance
Datia to Pandokhar Dham Distance is about 53 kms which you can travel by bus or auto rickshaw.
Jhansi to Pandokhar Dham Distance
The distance from Jhansi to Pandokhar Dham is around 75 kms, which can be covered by bus or auto rickshaw.
Gwalior to Pandokhar Sarkar distance
The distance from Gwalior to Pandokhar Sarkar is around 95 kms.
How to reach Pandokhar Sarkar by train?
If you want to go to Pandokhar Sarkar by train, then first you have to go to the nearest railway station of Pandokhar Sarkar, which is Jhansi railway station. Please Know that Jhansi railway station which is located in Uttar Pradesh. The distance between Jhansi Railway Station to Pandokhar Sarkar is approximately 65 kms. Where to go you will get to see taxis and cabs. Where it takes you about 2 hours to reach.
There is another railway station near Pandokhar Sarkar, which is in Datia, but from here you will have to travel more distance to Pandokhar Sarkar. Also, vehicles stop here very rarely. So you can go to Pandokhar Sarkar by going to Jhansi Railway Station.
Nearest railway station to Pandokhar Sarkar
Gwalior, Jhansi Railway Station
How to reach Pandokhar Sarkar by Airoplane?
If you are traveling by plane, you will have to land at the nearest airport to Pandokhar Sarkar to reach Pandokhar Sarkar. Which is located in Jhansi. If we talk about the distance between Jhansi airport to Pandokhar Sarkar, then there is a distance of about 60 kilometers between the two. So after coming to Jhansi airport you can book a taxi or cab and go to Pandokhar Sarkar. Apart from this, you have another option Gwalior Airport. But you have to travel more than 100 kilometers to reach Pandokhar Sarkar. So that’s why it will be easy for you to go to Pandokhar Sarkar from Jhansi Airport.
Some questions and answers
How much is the fees of Pandokhar Sarkar?
To meet the Pandokhar Sarkar, one has to apply first. There are counters in Pandokhar Dham for applying, where fees ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 51,000 are charged. Common people can deposit fee ranging from Rs.500 to Rs.2100. Fee for VIP logo is 51000 thousand. By paying this amount, you get a token. VIP people get the number quickly, it may take 10 to 15 days for normal people, so much they have to stay in Pandokhar Dham.
How can we meet Pandokhar Sarkar?
First you have to apply, then you have to take the token, after that you can meet.
What is the mobile number of Pandokhar Dham?
There is no number available to talk to Pandokhar Sarkar.
In which state does Pandokhar Sarkar fall?
Datia is in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
Who is Pandokhar Maharaj?
Priest Guru Sharan Sharma Ji Maharaj Ji of Pandokhar Sarkar