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What is the distance between Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and Kurukshetra to Indraprastha?

If you are planning to go from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha. So you should also know about the distance and route between them.

For your information, let us tell you that the distance between Hastinapur To Kurukshetra is 174 km. While the distance from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha is 162 km.

Which is the nearest railway station to Hastinapur, Kurukshetra and Indraprastha?

For your information, let us tell you that the nearest railway station to Hastinapur is Khatauli Railway Station. While the nearest railway station to Kurukshetra is Kurukshetra Junction.

Apart from this, the nearest railway station of Indraprastha is Meerut City Railway Station.

How to reach from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha by bus?

You can not reach Hastinapur To Kurukshetra by direct bus. For this, first of all you have to catch the bus from Hastinapur to Meerut.

After that one has to travel by bus from Meerut to Kurukshetra. You will get direct bus from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha i.e. Meerut.

How can you reach from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha by train?

To go Hastinapur To Kurukshetra, you will first go to Khatauli Junction, the nearest railway station to Hastinapur. From Khatauli Junction you will get a train to go to Delhi.

You will get a train from Delhi to go to Kurukshetra. Then from Kurukshetra you will get a train to Delhi. You can take a train from Delhi to Meerut.

After that you can reach Indraprasth by bus or any other means.

How to travel from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha by air?

Be aware that there is no direct flight from Hastinapur To Indraprastha. So if you have to go from Hastinapur To Kurukshetra Kurukshetra to Indraprastha. So the journey done by train should be beneficial for you.

What is the total distance from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha?

The total distance from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra and from Kurukshetra to Indraprastha is around 300 km.

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