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Draupadi Ghat Temple

No historical details have been found so far about the establishment of the Draupati Ghat temple, but there is a legend about it, it is said that once Queen Draupadi goes to the river to take a bath, at a distance from the sage Durvasa. He was also taking a bath. But while taking a bath, the clothes of sage Durvasa get washed away in the river.

Due to which he could not get out of the river, but Draupathi on the strength of her understanding had tore her sari to sage Durvasa, then the sage, being pleased with her, gave a boon to her husband that there would be no harm to shame in future. Lord Shri Krishna protects the shame of Draupadi when Kaurava Draupadi is torn apart.

Since then this place was given great importance and this place was seen connecting with Mahabharata period, here along with Lord Shri Krishna, a small temple of Draupathi was also established.

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