Hastinapur to Kedarnath Distance?

If you are planning to travel from Hastinapur to Kedarnath, then you should know what is the distance between Hastinapur to Kedarnath. For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Hastinapur to Kedarnath is about 291 kilometers. You can cover this distance by bus, train and Aeroplane. Which is the nearest railway […]

How to go Hastinapur from Indraprastha | Distance between Hastinapur to Indraprastha

Friends, many people travel from Hastinapur to Indraprastha, but there is definitely a question in their mind that what is the distance from Hastinapur to Indraprastha? Keeping this problem in mind, in today’s post we are going to give you information related to it. How to go Hastinapur from Indraprastha The total distance between Hastinapur […]

How to go Hastinapur from Delhi | Delhi to Hastinapur distance

Friends, have you ever traveled from Delhi to Hastinapur? Keeping this problem in mind, in today’s post, we are going to give you information related to it, so this post is going to be very important for you people. How to go Hastinapur from Delhi Delhi to Hastinapur distance The distance between Delhi to Hastinapur […]

How to reach Hastinapur to Kurukshetra

Friends, if you have traveled to any historical place, then you must have seen the distance from Hastinapur to the area, but if you are going from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra for the first time, then a question arises in front of you that what is the distance between Hastinapur to Kurukshetra. ? in today’s post […]

How to reach Hastinapur from Meerut | Meerut to Hastinapur distance

Friends, have you also traveled from Meerut to Hastinapur, if not, a question must be coming in your mind that what is the distance from Meerut to Hastinapur? Keeping this problem in mind, in today’s post we are going to give you information related to it. How to reach Hastinapur from Meerut The distance between […]

Why did Shri Krishna go to Hastinapur?

Shri Krishna went to Hastinapur with Pandavas’ peace proposal because Shri Krishna knew that if peace talks between Kauravas and Pandavas are not established then it can turn into a fierce war. Shri Krishna’s offer of peace was rejected.

Pandeshwar Mahadev Temple

Pandeshwar Mahadev Temple The history of Pandeshwar Mahadev temple is coming more than 5000 years, it is mentioned in the Puranas. Some historians believe that after the orders of Lord Krishna, the Pandavas had established Shivling in this temple, this is the incident when the Pandavas were in their exile. Stones have been completely used […]

Jambudweep Tirtha

Jambudweep Tirtha Jambudweep Tirtha has been kept in the category of island which is located in Hastinapur. It is told by some prominent historians that Jain Sadhvi Pujya Arayika Ratna Gyanmati Mata had seen it in her dream before 1965, when her dream was considered correct. When 2000 years old inscription was found during excavation. […]

Shri Ashtapad Tirtha

Shri Ashtapad Tirtha Shri Ashtapada Teerth was established by Shri Hastinapur Jain Shvetambara Teerth Trust on 31st January 1996 and this temple was inaugurated by Acharya Bhagwant Shrimad Vijay Indraditra Surishwar. This Ashtapada Teerth is dedicated to Lord Adityanath ji. Shri Ashtapad Tirtha, whose height is 151 feet high, has the idol of Lord Rishabhdev […]

Karan Ghat Temple

Karan Ghat Temple The mythological history associated with the Karan Ghat temple tells that this temple is established from the Mahabharata period and this temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The reason behind this is that a Shivling is established in the ground of this temple, if pundits are to be believed, this Shivling was […]