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Distance from Bikaner to Tanot Mata Temple

Do you want to visit Tanot Mata temple from Bikaner. Then you have come to the right place. Because in this article we are going to tell you about going to Tanot Mata temple from Bikaner. How can you go to the temple of Tanot Mata from Bikaner which is in Rajasthan. So to know this, definitely read this article completely.

Bikaner to Tanot Mata Temple Distance

Bikaner is located in Rajasthan, and the temple of Tanot Mata is also located under Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan. Which is situated at a distance of about 268 kilometers from Bikaner. And if you go to reach Tanot Mata Temple by flight, then its distance is 202 kilometers. Tanot Mata is also known as the goddess of protection. Because it is located on the border of India and Pakistan, and many times in the war between India and Pakistan, this temple has not even got a scratch. That’s why lakhs of tourists from all over the country come to visit this temple.

So if you want to go from Bikaner to Tanot Mata Temple Darshan. So you can use any mode for your journey, just like if you go by your own vehicle. So it will take you 3 hours 40 minutes to reach Tanot Mata Temple from Bikaner.

And if you have more than a flight, then you can go to the temple of Tanot Mata in just 45 minutes. After reaching Jaisalmer airport, you can take an auto rickshaw to reach Tanot Mata Temple. You will easily find auto rickshaws from the airport. You can visit the temple of Tanot Mata by any means according to your convenience.

How to reach Tanot Mata Temple By Train, Bus, Air Plane

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