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Distance between Mumbai to Shani Signapur

If you like to travel and want to go from Mumbai to Shani Signapur Shani Dev. So in this article you will know how you can go from Mumbai to Shani Signapur. In this article, we are going to tell you about the distance between Mumbai to Shani Shingnapur, time and means of reaching there to reach Shani Shingnapur from Mumbai.

Mumbai to Shani Signapur Distance

First of all let’s talk about Shani Singapore, where it is. Shani Singanapur is located in the state of Maharashtra, India. It is a beautiful village located in the district of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra, which is famous for its Shani temple. Talking about the distance between Mumbai and Shani Shingnapur, there is a distance of about 298 kilometers between the two.

How to Get to Shani Signapur by Car or Taxi

If you are traveling to Shani Shingnapur by your own car, then you will have to drive 298 km to reach Shani Shingnapur from Mumbai. Which will take you around 4 hours and 17 minutes, and if you don’t want to drive, you can find taxis from Mumbai to Signapur. In taxi also you have to travel 298 km, and it also takes you as much time as car.

How to go by train and bus

If you go to Shani Singanapur by bus, then you have to change your bus, you have to change bus and go to Ahmednagar, after that you can find taxis from Ahmednagar to Shani Singanapur. And if you want to make your journey by train, then you have to first go to Rahuri by train from Mumbai Dadar. After that you will get to see taxis from Rahuri to Shani Shingnapur. It takes you about 8 hours to travel by train,

So you can go to Shani Signapur by any means as per your convenience.

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