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How to reach Qutub Minar of Delhi ?

Qutub Minar is located in Shekh Sarai Mehrauli, Delhi. Which is a cultural heritage of India. There are many ways to reach Qutub Minar. But the best way to go to Qutub Minar depends on you.

If you are from outside Delhi, then you have to come to Delhi first to visit Qutub Minar. If you are coming by train from outside Delhi, the train will drop you at Old Delhi Railway Station.

Chandni Chowk Metro Station is near Old Delhi Railway Station. You can go there and take the Yellow Line from Chandni Chowk Metro Station. This Yellow Line will drop you at Qutub Minar Metro Station.

On this line you will find many metro stations from Chandni Chowk to Qutub Minar. Which include Chawri Bazar, New Delhi, Rajiv Chowk, Patel Chowk, Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Marg, Jor Bagh, Dilli Haat, AIIMS, Green Park, Hauz Khas, Malviya Nagar, Saket Metro Station.

If you go through this yellow route, you may have to pay a fare of ₹ 40. Also, it may take you around 40 minutes to travel from Chandni Chowk Metro Station to Qutub Minar Metro Station. Qutub Minar is located near Qutub Minar Metro Station. You can go here on foot.

If you are coming from outside Delhi, then the train can also drop you at New Delhi. Because some trains run to New Delhi. New Delhi Metro Station is located near New Delhi Railway Station. Where you can go to New Delhi Metro station on foot.

You can take the Yellow Line at New Delhi Metro Station. Which takes you straight to Qutub Minar. The fare for going from New Delhi Metro Station to Qutub Minar Metro Station is ₹40.

Also, it takes a total of 38 minutes to travel from New Delhi Metro Station to Qutub Minar Metro Station. There are many metro stations between New Delhi Metro Station and Qutub Minar Metro Station. In which metro stations like Rajiv Chowk, Patel Chowk, Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Marg, Jor Bagh, Dilli Haat, AIIMS, Green Park, Hauz Khas, Malviya Nagar, Saket etc. fall.

You can go to Qutub Minar on foot by getting down at Qutub Minar Metro Station. Suppose if your train drops you at Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station. Because if you are coming from any state of India then some trains drop you at Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station. In such a situation, you will have to use a different route to reach Qutub Minar from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station.

Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin Metro Station is located near Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station. You can reach from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station to Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin Metro Station in 5 minutes on foot. You will find the Pink Line at Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station. By taking metro from this pink line, you will have to get down at Dilli Haat INA metro station.

Because Pink Line will not directly take you to Qutub Minar. You have to take Yellow Line from Delhi Haat INA. Which will take you from Dilli Haat INA to Qutub Minar Metro Station. There will be many metro stations between Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin Metro Station and Qutub Minar Metro Station.

These metro stations are Ashram, Vinobapuri, Lajpat Nagar, South Extension, Delhi Haat INA, AIIMS, Green Park, Hauz Khas, Malviya Nagar, Saket and Qutub Minar metro stations.

Location Shekh Sarai Mehrauli, Delhi
Timing of Qutub Minar between 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Nearest metro station to Qutub Minar Qutub Minar Metro Station
Qutub Minar by bus You have to take bus number 536 to reach Qutub Minar

What is the timing of Qutub Minar?

Before visiting Qutub Minar you must know the timings of Qutub Minar. Because the time of Qutub Minar has been fixed to see Qutub Minar. To see Qutub Minar, you have to come between 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Because after that the doors of Qutub Minar are closed. You can come to see Qutub Minar from Monday to Sunday.

You also have to pay some rupees to see Qutub Minar. In which any Indian citizen can see Qutub Minar by paying ₹ 30. There is no charge for children below 15 years of age. While a fee of ₹ 500 has been fixed for foreign nationals to see Qutub Minar.

Which is the nearest metro station to Qutub Minar?

The nearest metro station to Qutub Minar is Qutub Minar Metro Station. If you want to come by metro to see Qutub Minar then you can come from Qutub Minar metro station.

How to reach Qutub Minar from Hazrat Nizamuddin?

Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin metro station is located near Hazrat Nizamuddin. From there you can reach Qutub Minar Metro Station with the help of Pink Line Metro. However, from Sarai Kale Khan Hazrat Nizamuddin metro station, you will have to get down to Dilli Haat first. Because from here you have to catch the Yellow Line, the route of the second metro. Only then you can go to Qutub Minar.

To go from Hazrat Nizamuddin to Qutub Minar, you will need a metro ticket of ₹40. In which the metro train will take you to Qutub Minar in 45 minutes. The first metro leaves from Sarai Kale Khan at 6:00 am. Whereas the last Metro train departs at 11:18 from Sarai Kale Khan Metro Station.

How to reach Qutub Minar by bus?

Many DTC buses go to Qutub Minar. You can easily go to Qutub Minar by bus no. To reach Qutub Minar, you need to take bus number 400, 47 ASL, 519, 540 ACL, 540 CL, 605 SPL, 615, 962 SPL. All these buses go to Qutub Minar from different areas of Delhi. You can go to Qutub Minar by these buses as per your convenience.

How can you reach Qutub Minar by train?

The small railway station near Qutub Minar is Sardar Patel Marg. While Qutub Minar has a major railway station, New Delhi Railway Station. You can reach Qutub Minar EMU64090, EMU64094 to these stations. After this you can easily reach Qutub Minar.

How to reach Qutub Minar by plane?

If you live outside Delhi, you can come to Delhi by air. If you live outside India then you have to use airplane only. To use the airplane, first of all you have to take a flight from your nearest airport to Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi. After that you can go to Qutub Minar via bus, train or metro. Complete information about this has been given to you in the post.

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