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If you want to travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr, you should first know the distance from Babrala to Bulandshahr. First of all, let us tell you that both Babrala and Bulandshahr are located in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

You can travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr by road. Please inform that the total distance from Babrala to Bulandshahr is around 61 km.

Which is the nearest railway station to Babrala and Bulandshahr?

The nearest railway station to Babrala is Babrala Railway Station. While the nearest railway station to Bulandshahr is Bulandshahar Railway Station.

How do you go from Babrala to Bulandshahr by bus?

You can travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr by bus. Because Bulandshahr is about 61 kilometers from Babrala.

Hence you can travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr via Anupshahr Road in 1 hour 23 minutes.

How to travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr by train?

You can easily travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr by direct train. For this you can go from Babrala Railway Station to Bulandshahar Railway Station.

How to travel from Babrala to Bulandshahr by flight?

There is no direct flight route from Babrala to Bulandshahr. Because the distance between both the places is very short. So you can easily go from Babrala to Bulandshahr by bus or train.

What is the distance between Babrala to Bulandshahr?

For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Babrala to Bulandshahr by road is about 61 kilometers. Which you can easily decide by bus or train if you want.

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