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What is the distance between Hastinapur to Meerut?

If you are planning to go from Hastinapur to Meerut. So you should know that what is the distance between Hastinapur to Meerut?

For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Hastinapur to Meerut by road is about 37 kilometers.

Which are the nearest railway stations to Hastinapur and Meerut?

The nearest railway station to Hastinapur is Khatauli Railway Station. While the nearest railway station to Meerut is Meerut City Railway Station.

How do you go from Hastinapur to Meerut by bus?

You can easily go to Meerut from Hastinapur by bus. For this you will get direct bus from Hastinapur to Meerut. Which will pass through Mawana Road.

The total distance from Hastinapur to Meerut is around 37 kms. Which you can decide in just 1 hour.

How can you use the train from Hastinapur to Meerut?

To go from Hastinapur to Meerut, you can take a train to Meerut from Khatauli Railway Station, the nearest railway station to Hastinapur.

How to travel from Hastinapur to Meerut by air?

Hastinapur to Meerut air travel is not possible. Because Hastinapur is not far from Meerut. You can easily reach Hastinapur from Meerut by bus or train.

What is the distance between Hastinapur to Meerut?

The distance from Hastinapur to Meerut is about 37 kms via Mawana Road. While the distance from Hastinapur to Meerut via Daurala Mussoorie Road is about 50 kms.

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