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What is the distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur?

If you want to travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur, then today’s post is going to be very important for you. For your information, let us tell you that the road distance from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur is approximately 227 Kilometers.

Ghazipur is a district of Uttar Pradesh. Whereas Muzaffarpur is a district of Bihar. You can travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur by bus, plane, train etc.

Which is the nearest railway station to Ghazipur and Muzaffarpur?

Please tell that the nearest railway station from Ghazipur is Gazipur City (GCT). While the nearest railway station to Muzaffarpur is Muzaffarpur Junction(MFP).

How to travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur by bus?

The journey from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur can be done in 5 hours 12 minutes by bus. Because the distance from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur is 227 kms.

You can travel to Muzaffarpur by bus from Gazipur Roadways.

How to travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur by train?

You can travel by direct train from Ghazipur Railway Station to Muzaffarpur Railway Station. There are many trains that run between Ghazipur To Muzaffarpur.

How to travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur by air?

There is no air route between Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur. That’s why you cannot go directly from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur.

For air travel, first of all you have to go to the nearest airport of Ghazipur which is in Varanasi. From there you will get a flight to Patna.

After this you can go from Patna to Muzaffarpur by bus or train.

What is the distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur?

If we talk about the road between Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur, then it is around 227 kilometers. While the aerial distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur is 189 Kilometers.

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