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Distance from Karnal to Bulandshahr

If you want to travel from Karnal to Bulandshahr, you need to know the distance between Karnal to Bulandshahr. For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Karnal to Bulandshahr is about 190 Kilometers.

Which you can decide by bus, train and aeroplane.

Which is the nearest railway station to Karnal and Bulandshahr?

For your information, let us tell you that Karnal district falls in the state of Haryana. While Bulandshahr district falls in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

The nearest railway station to Karnal is Karnal(KUN). While the nearest railway station to Bulandshahr is Bulandshahar(BSC).

How to reach Karnal from Bulandshahr by bus?

There is no direct bus service from Karnal to Bulandshahr. But to go from Karnal to Bulandshahr, first you have to go from Karnal to Meerut by bus.

After that from Meerut you will have to catch a bus to Bulandshahr. This is how you can go from Karnal to Bulandshahr by bus.

How can you reach Karnal from Bulandshahr by train?

You cannot go directly by train from Karnal to Bulandshahr. For this, first of all you have to go to Delhi Railway Station by train from Karnal Railway Station.

After that you will get a train from Delhi Railway Station to Bulandshahr Railway Station.

How to travel from Karnal to Bulandshahr by flight?

To go from Karnal to Bulandshahr, you have to go to Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport in Chandigarh. From there you have to reach Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport.

After that you can go to Bulandshahar by bus or train from Delhi.

What is the distance between Karnal to Bulandshahr ?

The distance from Karnal To Bulandshahr is approximately 190 kms.

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