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Distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar?

If you want to go from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar, then you should first know about the distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar. For your information, let us tell you that the distance from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar is 1002 kilometers by road.

While the aerial distance from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar is around 722 kms. If you want, you can go from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar by train, bus or plane etc.

Which is the nearest railway station to Ghazipur?

From Ghazipur, the nearest railway station is Gazipur City (GCT). While from Muzaffarnagar, the nearest railway station is Muzaffarnagar (MOZ).

How to reach Muzaffarnagar from Ghazipur by bus?

If you want to go from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar by bus, you have to go by road. To go by bus, you can take a bus from Ghazipur.

By bus you will reach Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar in about 17 hours. But you will not get direct bus from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar.

First of all you have to go from Gazipur to Ghaziabad. From Ghaziabad you can reach Muzaffarnagar.

How to reach Muzaffarnagar  from Ghazipur  by train?

For your information, let us tell you that there is no direct train from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar. To travel by train, you have to first travel from Ghazipur to Ghaziabad by train.

After that you will get a train from Ghaziabad to Muzaffarnagar.

How to travel from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar by flight?

There is no direct flight from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar. For this, first of all you have to go from Ghazipur to Varanasi.

In Varanasi you will find Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport. From where you will take a ticket to Jolly Grant Airport which is in Rishikesh.

After that you can travel by bus from Rishikesh to Muzaffarnagar.

What is the distance between Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar?

If you want to go by road, then the distance from Ghazipur to Muzaffarnagar is about 1000 Kilometers. While talking about air travel, this distance is around 722 kms.

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