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Distance between Roorkee to Shakumbhari Devi Temple

Are you going to Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Roorkee, and you don’t know about the distance and means to reach there, then don’t worry. In today’s article, we are going to give you complete information about going to Shakumbari Devi Temple from Roorkee. So if you also want to know how you can go to Shakumbari Devi Temple from Roorkee, then do not go without reading this article completely.

Distance between Roorkee to Shakumbhari Devi Temple

First of all, let us know about both the places. Let’s talk about Roorkee, it is a city and municipal council located in the state of Uttarakhand in our India, and the temple of Shakumbhari Devi is located in Saharanpur district located in the state of Uttar Pradesh of our country. Which is a Shaktipeeth. For whose darshan there is a crowd of people from all over the country. There is a distance of 68 kilometers between Roorkee to Shakumbhari Devi Temple.

How to reach Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Roorkee

If you go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple from Roorkee by your own means. So it will take you only 1:30 hours to reach Shakumbhari Devi Temple.

But if you want to go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple by bus or train, then for this you have to go to Saharanpur from Roorkee first. Which is about 39 kilometers away from Roorkee. After which you can go to the temple of Shakumbhari Devi from Saharanpur. Which is about 40 kilometers away from Saharanpur.

You will also find buses and trains from Roorkee to Saharanpur. After that when you reach Saharanpur, then you will get to see auto rickshaws to go to Shakumbhari Devi Temple. You can go to visit Shakumbhari Devi Temple by any means as per your convenience.

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