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If you want to go from Delhi To Wazirabad, then you should know that what is the total distance between Delhi To Wazirabad. Also it should be known that how can you go from Delhi to Wazirabad?

For your information, let us tell you that the total distance of Delhi To Wazirabad is about 17 kilometer. Which you can cover by bus and train.

Which is the nearest railway station to Delhi and Wazirabad?

Tell that Wazirabad is in Delhi only. The nearest railway station to Delhi is Delhi Junction. While the nearest railway station to Wazirabad is Adarsh Nagar Delhi.

How can you go from Delhi to Wazirabad by bus?

Delhi To Wazirabad is now easily accessible by bus. It will be more beneficial for you to go by bus.

To go Delhi To Wazirabad, you have to take a bus from Delhi Bus Stand and go to Wazirabad. To reach Wazirabad you have to take National Highway 9 or Guru Harkishan Marg.

You can cover this distance in just 50 minutes.

How do you go from Delhi to Wazirabad by train?

Delhi To Wazirabad You can also go easily by train. To go from Delhi to Wazirabad, you will get a direct train from New Delhi to Aadarsh Nagar Delhi. After this you can easily go to Wazirabad.

How can you go from Delhi to Wazirabad by air?

Delhi To Wazirabad You cannot go by aeroplane. No such facility is available. Also Delhi To Wazirabad is very close.

Delhi To Wazirabad Distance?

For your information, let us tell you that the total distance between Delhi To Wazirabad is approximately 17 kilometers.

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