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If you want to go from Saharanpur to Shukrtal, and you don’t know that, by which means and at what time you can reach Shukrtal from Saharanpur. So in this article all your problems will be solved. In this article, you have been given complete information about how to reach Shukratal i.e. Muzaffarnagar from Saharanpur.

Distance from Saharanpur to Shukratal

Saharanpur is located in Uttar Pradesh, and Shukratal is a must-see place in Muzaffarnagar, 150 kilometers away from the capital of our country, Delhi. Where a lot of tourist crowd is seen. The distance between Saharanpur to Shukratal is approximately 74 kms. Where it takes you about 2 hours to reach, if you make your journey by bus. If you want to hasten your journey, you can go to Muzaffarnagar by train. You have been told below how to reach Shukratal from Saharanpur, after reading which all your problems will be solved.

How to reach Shukratal from Saharanpur by bus?

If you want to travel by bus, you will not get a direct bus from Saharanpur to Shukratal, but you will easily get a bus from Saharanpur to Muzaffarnagar. You get 5 to 6 buses from Saharanpur to Muzaffarnagar. Which goes to Muzaffarnagar at different timings.

So you can decide your journey in any bus according to your time. Here you will get to see the first bus in the morning at 8:30. Which will reach you at Muzaffarnagar at 10:30. After that you can take auto or taxi from Muzaffarnagar to Shukrtal. Shukratal is 28 kms from Muzaffarnagar. From Saharanpur you will get to see buses every half an hour. Which goes to Muzaffarnagar, and in all other buses it will take you 2 hours to reach Muzaffarnagar.

You can easily reach the bus stand from Saharanpur using autos or taxis.

How to reach Muzaffarnagar by traveling by train

If you do not want to do your journey by bus and want to do it by train, then for that also you will get to see the train from Saharanpur to Muzaffarnagar in the junction railway station of Saharanpur. There are 4 trains running from Saharanpur to Muzaffarnagar, if you travel by train, you will save a lot of time. It takes you only 40 to 50 minutes by train to reach Muzaffarnagar from Saharanpur.

You will get to see trains at different timings from the railway station in Saharanpur. For example, you will see a train at 2:12 pm, which will reach you at Muzaffarnagar at 2:59 pm. And another train which you will see at 5:25, which will reach Muzaffarnagar at 6:15 pm. After that you can easily get auto or taxi from Muzaffarnagar railway station to Shukratal.

You can find another train from Saharanpur which leaves Saharanpur at 7:15pm and reaches Muzaffarnagar at 8:00pm. It only takes you 45 minutes to reach Muzaffarnagar.

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