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Friends, if you have traveled to any historical place, then you must have seen the distance from Hastinapur to the area, but if you are going from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra for the first time, then a question arises in front of you that what is the distance between Hastinapur to Kurukshetra. ? in today’s post

How to reach Hastinapur to Kurukshetra | Hastinapur to Kurukshetra distance

The distance between Hastinapur to Kurukshetra is 165.4km. If you travel on NH709A then this distance is same. If you travel by some other route then this distance may be more or less.

Hastinapur to Kurukshetra travel time

If you travel by car, keeping in mind the average speed, you will cover a distance of 165.4 kilometers in 4 hours 7 minutes. Do the same thing if you travel on a motorcycle it takes you 3 hours 50 minutes.

Hastinapur to Kurukshetra bus

There is no train service between Hastinapur and Kurukshetra. It can only be traveled by bus. Bus fare from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra is around ₹ 200. There are facilities from public bus to private bus and mini bus to go from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra but our suggestion will be for you if you are traveling by bus. So you should travel in public bus only.

The middle route between Hastinapur and Kurukshetra

It takes 4 hours to reach Kurukshetra from Hastinapur, meanwhile if you want to take rest then there are many such dhabas and restaurants on Karnal Meerut Highway where you can have refreshments.

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